Sabzi Polo
3 c basmati rice
2 c dill, chopped
2 c parsley, chopped
2 c cilantro, chopped
9 scallions
1 tsp saffron, crushed and brewed in 1/2 c ice
½ tsp turmeric
½ c oil
7 garlic cloves
1 c greek yogurt
1 clove garlic, grated
3 tbsp olive oil
1 c reserved chopped herbs
Salt and pepper to taste
10 Persian cucumbers, finely diced
4 roma tomatoes, finely diced
½ red onion, finely diced
½ c chopped parsley (or mint)
1 Juice of lemon
Salt and pepper to taste
Sabzi Polo
Step 1
Rinse and drain rice until the water runs clear. Let soak in water for an hour.
Step 2
Wash all the herbs–scallion, dill, parsley, and cilantro. Make sure they are all 100% dry before proceeding with the rest of the recipe.
Step 3
Bring a pot of water to a boil with enough salt so that it tastes like the sea. Add rice and cook for 7 minutes. Strain and run cold water over it to stop the cooking.
Step 4
Crush saffron and let steep in ice, let the ice melt.
Step 5
Finely chop herbs using either a food processor or knife. Save a cup of the herbs and set aside. Add the rest to a large mixing bowl, along with the rice. Mix to fully incorporate.
Step 6
To a non-stick pot, add saffron water, oil, and turmeric. Layer rice in and make 7 holes halfway down, evenly spread out. Stuff a garlic clove into each hole. Cover the pot with a towel and lid.
Step 7
Cook over medium high for 10 minutes then low for an additional 50.
Step 8
Add all ingredients for the herb-garlic yogurt sauce to a bowl and mix to incorporate.
Step 9
In a separate bowl, combine all ingredients for the Shirazi Salad and mix well.
Step 10
Serve the Sabzi Polo Bah Mahi with the herb-garlic yogurt sauce and Shirazi Salad.